Tulipa tehtyä oikein mukava pieni päivävaellus talvisessa metsässä Paraisilla valtavan hyvässä seurassa, tällaisia reissuja tarvitaan lisää! Reissun päämäärä virkistäytymisen lisäksi oli testata keskiaikaisten vaatteiden soveltuvuus talviseen matkantekoon. Ajatuksenani oli, että en ota mukaan modernia vaatetta lainkaan vaan lähden reissuun vallan 1300-luvun vetimissä, ja yleisarvosanaksi on sanottava että hyvinhän tämä nopeasti järkeilty kokonaisuus toimi!
Keli oli suorastaan leppoisa -1 astetta, höttöistä lunta oli noin 20 senttiä, tuulta ei juuri ollenkaan. Olosuhteet eivät siis olleet ollenkaan haastavimmasta päästä…
A happy little group of re-enactors decided to go for a little hike in a winter forest! Our destination was Sattmark hiking route in Parainen, and what a lovely trip it was! Our aim was not only to have fun (which we did!) but also put our clothes to a test in winter-y surroundings. I decided not to take any modern clothing with me but to go totally in 14th century gear, and I must say that they worked more than well.
Weather was pleasant -1 degrees, approximately 20 cm of fluffy snow and hardly any wind. Not really challenging.
A happy little group of re-enactors decided to go for a little hike in a winter forest! Our destination was Sattmark hiking route in Parainen, and what a lovely trip it was! Our aim was not only to have fun (which we did!) but also put our clothes to a test in winter-y surroundings. I decided not to take any modern clothing with me but to go totally in 14th century gear, and I must say that they worked more than well.
Weather was pleasant -1 degrees, approximately 20 cm of fluffy snow and hardly any wind. Not really challenging.
Kuva/ photo Mikke Reinikainen |
As a reminder for myself and perhaps for others to learn, here are the parts of my gear with their good and not-so-good sides mentioned. So my gear was as following, starting from what was closest to the skin:
- Pellavapaita. Aluspaitani oli lyhyempi kuin muut mekot, puolisäärimittainen, ja tämä pellavalle tyypilliseen tapaan imi kosteutta, tällä kertaa lumesta kun hiukan tuli maasto-olosuhteissa myös kompuroitua. Lopulta, aivan loppumatkasta, se oli inhottavan märkä ja toki myös pahuksen kylmä polvien päälle saakka. Miettiä sopii olisiko vielä lyhyempi paita pelastanut tältä kokemukselta, vai olisiko pitänyt jättää pellavakerros pois tyystin. Ei sitä ikävä olisi tullut… Toinen tapa välttyä tältä tunteelta olisi tietysti ollut pitkät hoset, joita tosin en kyllä muista koskaan naisella kuvassa nähneeni enkä edes kuulleeni. Jos jossain esiintyy, kuulisin asiasta mielelläni!
- Linen shirt. My underdress was shorter than my woolen dresses, mid-calf length, and it did just what linen does, absorbed moisture. Unfortunately moisture in this case came from snow since I occasionally tripped over... When the trip was nearing its end the linen shirt was wet up to my knees and somewhat cold. I was thinking if this could've been avoided by omitting the linen shirt completely -I wouldn't have missed it! Another way to solve this would've been by wearing full-lenght hose, but I've never seen those worn by women. Please let me know if you have!
- Linen shirt. My underdress was shorter than my woolen dresses, mid-calf length, and it did just what linen does, absorbed moisture. Unfortunately moisture in this case came from snow since I occasionally tripped over... When the trip was nearing its end the linen shirt was wet up to my knees and somewhat cold. I was thinking if this could've been avoided by omitting the linen shirt completely -I wouldn't have missed it! Another way to solve this would've been by wearing full-lenght hose, but I've never seen those worn by women. Please let me know if you have!
-Sukat. Tämä jännitti ennakkoon eniten, mutta yhdistelmä neulakinnassukasta ja sen päällä olevasta villakangassukasta oli oikein toimiva. Kylmä ei tullut ennen kun pysähtyi pidemmäksi aikaa ja sukan ja kengän väliin linttaantunut lumi suli, matkaa tehdessä oli siis varsin lokoisat oltavat. Lumen päätymisen kenkään olisi varmaan saanut ehkäistyä fiksummalla eli istuvammalla kenkävalinnalla...
-Socks. I expected this to be the hardest part, but a combination of nalbinded ankle-lenght socks and woolen fabric socks over them was very efficient. I didn't feel cold at all before we stopped for a longer while and snow that was packed between my socks and shoes started melting -and this could've been easily avoided by wearing a more winterproof pair of shoes.
-Socks. I expected this to be the hardest part, but a combination of nalbinded ankle-lenght socks and woolen fabric socks over them was very efficient. I didn't feel cold at all before we stopped for a longer while and snow that was packed between my socks and shoes started melting -and this could've been easily avoided by wearing a more winterproof pair of shoes.
-Kengät. Kovin matalat ja avonaiset lipokkaat, ilman pohjallista. Koska lumi oli höttöistä pakkaslunta, pohjan pitävyyden kanssa ei ollut ongelmia. Ongelmaksi loppumatkasta muodostui se, että matala kenkä päästi lunta sisään, tämä olisi ollut ratkaistavissa esim. saappailla.
-Shoes. Of low and open type, worn without any special insoles. Since the snow was fluffy and there was no ice under it, the shoes were surprisingly un-slippery. After a while of hiking it turned out, that snow begun to pack between socks and low shoes, but for example by wearing boots this wouldn't have happened.
-Shoes. Of low and open type, worn without any special insoles. Since the snow was fluffy and there was no ice under it, the shoes were surprisingly un-slippery. After a while of hiking it turned out, that snow begun to pack between socks and low shoes, but for example by wearing boots this wouldn't have happened.
-2 pitkähihaista nilkkamittaista villamekkoa. Ajatus kahdesta päällekkäisestä villamekosta tuli oikeastaan keskustelusta 1400-luvun birgittalaisnunnien talvivarustuksesta ja talvivarustusten säädöksistä, mutta tämä ratkaisuhan on dokumentoitu muuallakin moneen kertaan ja osoittautui tälläkin matkalla toimivaksi.
- Two long sleeved ankle length woolen dresses. Originally the thought of two long-sleeved wool dresses came from a discussion of 15th cent. clothing regulations for bridgettine nuns and their winter clothing, but this number of clothing layers has well been documented in other places as well.
- Two long sleeved ankle length woolen dresses. Originally the thought of two long-sleeved wool dresses came from a discussion of 15th cent. clothing regulations for bridgettine nuns and their winter clothing, but this number of clothing layers has well been documented in other places as well.
-Hihaton nilkkapituinen päälimekko. Kolme päällekäistä villakerrosta eristivät vallan mainiosti!
-Sleeveless ankle-length overdress. Three layers of wool were quite sufficient when it comes to insulation!
-Sleeveless ankle-length overdress. Three layers of wool were quite sufficient when it comes to insulation!
-Hartiahuppu, vuoritettu ohuella villalla. Tuntui paikka paikoin liialta, mutta ehkä melkein kolmen tunnin reissun aikana olisi tullut korville muuten kylmä eikä pelkkä huntu olisi riittänyt siihen. Erityisesti jos olisi osunut tuulisempi päivä.
-Hood, lined with thin wool. At times it felt like it's too much, but perhaps it was a good idea to bring it with me after all. Considering the three hours we spent on the woods it would've been a little cold for the ears, they tend to need some cover, more than a mere veil could provide. Especially it it would've been breezy.
-Hood, lined with thin wool. At times it felt like it's too much, but perhaps it was a good idea to bring it with me after all. Considering the three hours we spent on the woods it would've been a little cold for the ears, they tend to need some cover, more than a mere veil could provide. Especially it it would've been breezy.
-Viitta. Hieman samat tuntemukset kuin hupunkin kanssa, tuntui osin vähän liialta mutta lopulta hartioita ja olkavarsia lämmittämässä kuitenkin ihan paikallaan, kolmas villamekkokerros kun ei ulottunut niille ollenkaan.
-Cloak. Somewhat similar feelings as with the hood, on occasion it felt like it's too much but after all, without the cloak I would've had only two layers of wool warming my shoulders and arms as the topmost dress was sleeveless.
-Neulakinnaslapaset. Vanuttamattomat, joten nämähän eivät juuri olisi pitäneet tuulta mutta tällaisella kelillä aivan ehdottomasti paikallaan. Kestivät jopa pienen lumisodankin :)
-Nalbinded mittens. Unfulled, so they wouldn't have been very good in breezy weather. In a weather like this, on the contrary, they were nice to have around. Especially since some snowball throwing happened... :)
Testaus jatkuu, keväällä säiden lämmettyä olisi ajatus tehdä yönyli -reissu! Mutta katsotaan sitä sitten.
Testing continues! Sometime at spring when the weather is warmer, we've been thinking of an overnight-trip. But we'll see about that then.