Uppsalan yliopiston museo Gustavianum sijaitsee ihan tuomiokirkkoa vastapäätä. Yhden katon alle on koottu varsin mittava kokoelma kaikenlaista, ruotsalaisesta rautakaudesta muinaiseen Egyptiin ja yliopiston omaan tieteenteon historiaan. Museo sijaitsee rakennuksessa joka on rakennettu yliopistokäyttöön jo 1600-luvun alkupuolella -yliopisto itsessään on perustetu 1477.
The Uppsala university museum Gustavianum is located right in front of the Uppsala Cathedral. Quite a few different exhibitions are being housed under one roof, from the Swedish iron age to ancient Egypt and the history of the university itself. The museum is located in a building that was originally built for the university in the early 17th century -the university itself was founded in 1477.
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Kuva/photo Wikipedia |
Valsgärden kalmisto
Kansainvaellusajasta viikinkiaikaan (n. 400-1000 jaa) käytössä ollut kuuluisa Valsgärden kalmisto sijaitsee ihan Uppsalan vierellä, 7 km pohjoiseen. Paikan päällä ei, harmi kyllä, tällä kertaa käyty, mutta kalmiston hautalöytöjä päästiin näkemään Gustavianumin näyttelyssä jonne oli koottu kuuluisimpia esimerkkejä. Valsgärde on kuuluisin laivahautauksistaan, mutta alueella on myös kamarihautoja, polttohautauksia ja arkkuhautauksiakin. Alueelle tyypillistä tuntuu olevan yläluokkaisuus, hauta-antimet ovat melkoisen kalliit ja runsaat. Mukana hautauksissa oli myös eläinten tarvikkeita (Valsgärdeläisiä koiran tarvikkeita tulikin esiteltyä postauksessa Seurakoiran varusteita keskiaikaisittain) ja ruuanlaittoon liittyvää välineistöä, mutta kuuluisimmat esineet ovat melko varmasti vendelaikaiset kypärät. Tekstiilisuuntautuneet toki olivat kovasti innoissaan säilyneistä metallilankakirjonnoista...
Valsgärde burial ground
The famous Valsgärde burial ground was in use from the Migration period to the Viking age (c. 400-1000 CE). It is located very close to Uppsala, only 7 km north. We unfortunately did not have a chance to visit the site itself, but luckily some of the most famous finds were displayed in the Gustavianum. Valsgärde burial ground is most famous for its boat burials, but in the area there are also chamber graves, cremation burials and even coffin burials. The common feature for the area is that the grave goods are plenty and they are expensive. Among the grave goods there are equipment for different animals (some of the Valsgärde dog gear were covered earlier in a post Companion doggy gear the medieval way) and cooking-related items, but definitely the most famous part of Valsgärde grave goods are the Vendel period helmets. And of course for the textile oriented the silver thread embroideries were on display...
Valsgärde burial ground
The famous Valsgärde burial ground was in use from the Migration period to the Viking age (c. 400-1000 CE). It is located very close to Uppsala, only 7 km north. We unfortunately did not have a chance to visit the site itself, but luckily some of the most famous finds were displayed in the Gustavianum. Valsgärde burial ground is most famous for its boat burials, but in the area there are also chamber graves, cremation burials and even coffin burials. The common feature for the area is that the grave goods are plenty and they are expensive. Among the grave goods there are equipment for different animals (some of the Valsgärde dog gear were covered earlier in a post Companion doggy gear the medieval way) and cooking-related items, but definitely the most famous part of Valsgärde grave goods are the Vendel period helmets. And of course for the textile oriented the silver thread embroideries were on display...
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Hopealankakirjontaa! ~~~ Silver thread embroidery! |
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Heppablingiä ~~~ Bling for horses! |
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Juomablingiä. ~~~ Bling for drinking |
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Lasilattian alla yksityiskohtainen piirros laivahaudasta esineineen. ~~~ Under the glass floor a detailed drawing of a boat burial |
Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
Anatominen teatteri
Anatominen teatteri on lääketieteen opiskelijoita varten rakennettu opetustila jossa opiskelijoiden oli mahdollista seurata opetustarkoituksessa tehtäviä ruumiinavauksia. Anatominen teatteri oli rakennettu 1662, mutta sitä ilmeisesti käytettiin varsin vähän alkuperäiseen tarkoitukseensa. Nykyisin nähtävä anatominen teatteri tosin on osin uudelleenrakennettu alkuperäisistä Olof Rudbeckin piirustuksista 1950-luvulla, mutta mahtavan historiallinen tunne siitä kyllä välittyy. Tämä salihan on toiminut myös erinomaisen Anno 1790 -sarjan yhden kohtauksen tapahtumapaikkana!
Anatomical theatre
An anatomical threatre is a hall built for students of medicine as a place where it was possible for the students to observe teaching-purpose dissections. The anatomical theatre was built in 1662, but apparently it was used for its original purpose quite seldom. The anatomical theatre we see nowadays is partly a reconstrucion made using the original Olof Rudbeck's plans in the 1950s, but it sure manages to deliver a wonderfully historical feeling. And this hall is also featured in the wonderful Anno 1790 -series, one scene takes place there!
Anatomical theatre
An anatomical threatre is a hall built for students of medicine as a place where it was possible for the students to observe teaching-purpose dissections. The anatomical theatre was built in 1662, but apparently it was used for its original purpose quite seldom. The anatomical theatre we see nowadays is partly a reconstrucion made using the original Olof Rudbeck's plans in the 1950s, but it sure manages to deliver a wonderfully historical feeling. And this hall is also featured in the wonderful Anno 1790 -series, one scene takes place there!
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kuva/photo M. Pulla |
Muinaisegyptiläistä materiaalia on yliopiston kokoelmissa ollut tekstilähteiden mukaan jo 1600-luvulla! Nykyinen näyttely kattaa pitkän aikajanan, esihistoriasta kristillistymiseen saakka. Paitsi perinteisiä wau-esineitä (mm. kokonainen komeasti koristeltu muumioarkku), esillä oli myös kivasti arkipäivää, huonekaluja ja käyttöesineitä. Ilahduttavasti myös tekstiilisuuntautuneet oli huomioitu, kokonainen koptilainen koristeltu paita oli esillä (mutta siitä valitettavasti sai todella huonosti kuvia heijastuksien takia). Osan kokoelmasta muodostavat nubialaiset esineet, joita ruotsalaiset arkeologit muiden pohjoismaisten kollegojen ohella olivat pelastamassa Assuanin padon alta.
Egypt and the Mediterranean
Text sources state that ancient Egyptian items have been a part of the university's collections since the 17th century! The exhibition that we see now covers a large period of time, from prehistory until early christian times. There of course are several wow-items on display (for example a lavishly decorated mummy coffin) but also everyday life was nicely featured with some furniture and utensils. And as a treat for the textile oriented, a whole coptic decorated shirt was on display, but it was awful to photograph because of reflections. Part of the collections consisted of Nubian items which were obtained when a Swedish group of archaeologists (among their Nordic colleagues) took part in the research that was carried out before the Aswan dam was built.
Yliopiston tutkimuksen historia
Tämä osuus museosta jouduttiin käymään läpi vähän nopeammin kuin mitä näyttely olisi ansainnut (museo oli menossa kiinni!), joten joiltain osin meni ohi mitä kaikkea historian mittaan Uppsalan yliopiston toimintaan onkaan kuulunut. Näytteillä oli varsin mielenkiintoista materiaalia koko yliopiston olemassaolon ajalta. Näyttely kuitenkin esitteli paitsi kovasti mielenkiintoisia tieteellisiä välineitä, myös sitä miten yliopistossa tutkimusta ja opetusta tehtiin menneisyydessä ja miten koko tieteeseen suhtauduttiin.
History of research in the university
Unfortunately with this exhibition we were in a bit of a rush (the museum was about to close!) so we had to explore this exhibition hall with less time that it would've really deserved. But to cut it short, this hall is all about science and all that's been going on in the university of Uppsala. All kinds on interesting items were on display, from the whole university's timespan. The items include really cool scientific instruments, but also this hall tells the story of how university-level teaching has been regarded and how tha whole concept of science has been regarded.
History of research in the university
Unfortunately with this exhibition we were in a bit of a rush (the museum was about to close!) so we had to explore this exhibition hall with less time that it would've really deserved. But to cut it short, this hall is all about science and all that's been going on in the university of Uppsala. All kinds on interesting items were on display, from the whole university's timespan. The items include really cool scientific instruments, but also this hall tells the story of how university-level teaching has been regarded and how tha whole concept of science has been regarded.
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
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