Öölannin-reissun yhteydessä oli helppo piipahtaa myös Kalmarin salmen sillan toisella puolella ja Kalmarin linnassa. Linnahan oli saanut alkunsa jo 1200-luvulla -ja samalla koko Kalmarin kaupunki- mutta nykyisessä linnassa näitä varhaisvaiheita ei juurikaan ole nähtävissä. Linnan nykyinen ulkoasu on pitkälti 1500-luvulta, jolloin Vaasa-suvun Kustaa I, Erik XIV ja Juhana III kukin vuorotellen parantelivat linnaa.
When we already were in Öland, it was more than easy to hop to the other side of the Kalmar strait bridge and drop by in Kalmar castle! The castle was founded already in the 13th century (as was the whole city of Kalmar) but nowadays the earliest phases of the castle were mostly covered by the newer layers of history. The appearance we see today is mostly 16th century, when the Wasa kings Gustav I, Erik XIV and John III all in turn renovated the castle.
When we already were in Öland, it was more than easy to hop to the other side of the Kalmar strait bridge and drop by in Kalmar castle! The castle was founded already in the 13th century (as was the whole city of Kalmar) but nowadays the earliest phases of the castle were mostly covered by the newer layers of history. The appearance we see today is mostly 16th century, when the Wasa kings Gustav I, Erik XIV and John III all in turn renovated the castle.
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
Suuren osan näyttelytiloista vei Leonardo da Vinciä käsittelevä näyttely -joka oli piipahduksemme aikaan ihan viimeisiä päiviä auki eli nyt jo valitettavasti kiertämässä toisia paikkakuntia. Mutta todella erinomainen näyttely oli kyseessä, eli jos se jossain kiertueellaan tulee vastaan niin ehdottomasti suosittelen! Huomattavin osa näyttelyssä oli Leonardon piirrosten mukaan rakennetut erilaiset laitteet, sotakoneista käytännön esineisiin -ja erilaisiin lentovälineisiin!
A large part of the exhibition rooms were reserved for the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition -which was having its the last few opening days during our visit, so now it's already touring in another towns. But I really have to say that it was a really interesting exhibition, should anyone come across it, it's definitely worth the visit. The most noticeable part of the exhibition was different machines built according to Leonardo's plans, from military equipment to practical everyday items -and of course devices for flying!
Kovasti hieno oli myös kuningatar Margareetan kultamekon ennallistus, se oli saanut kokonaisen oman huoneen.Tämä mekko oli ommeltu painetusta silkkikankaasta, joka laskeutuu hyvin eri tavalla kuin alkuperäinen metallibrokadi -mutta ihan mielettömän näyttävä vaate näinkin! Margareetanhan yhdistää linnaan aika itsestäänselvästi Kalmarin unioni. Kalmarissa kruunattiin ensimmäinen unionikuningas, Margareetan adoptiopoika Eerik Pommerilainen -Margareeta itse hoiti käytännössä hallitsemisen.
I also found the reconstruction of Queen Margaret's golden gown very beautiful -the dress had gotten a whole room just for itself. This spescific reconstruction had been made of printed silk fabric, which drapes quite differently when compared to the original metal brocade -but it is a splendid dress none the less! Margaret is vital part of the castle's history via the Kalmar union. The first Kalmar union king, Margaret's adoptive son Eric of Pomerania was crowned in Kalmar. Margaret did most of the ruling, though.
I also found the reconstruction of Queen Margaret's golden gown very beautiful -the dress had gotten a whole room just for itself. This spescific reconstruction had been made of printed silk fabric, which drapes quite differently when compared to the original metal brocade -but it is a splendid dress none the less! Margaret is vital part of the castle's history via the Kalmar union. The first Kalmar union king, Margaret's adoptive son Eric of Pomerania was crowned in Kalmar. Margaret did most of the ruling, though.
Linnan alueelta ja etenkin vallihaudasta on suorastaan hurja määrä keskiaikaistakin löytömateriaalia, mutta niistä oli esillä vain hyvin, hyvin pieni osa (ja sekin piilosssa) -myöhemmin selvisi, että Tukholman Historiskaan oli avattu kokonaan uusi näyttelytila, jossa Kalmarin linnan löydötkin olivat hyvin edustavasti esillä.
From the castle area and especially from the moat a hude amount of medieval finds have been made. Only a very limited -almost tiny- amount of those were on display (and the display room was well hidden!). Later we found out that a new exhibition room was opened in the Historiska Museet in Stockholm, with the Kalmar finds well presented.
From the castle area and especially from the moat a hude amount of medieval finds have been made. Only a very limited -almost tiny- amount of those were on display (and the display room was well hidden!). Later we found out that a new exhibition room was opened in the Historiska Museet in Stockholm, with the Kalmar finds well presented.
Muuten linnan ulkoasun painotus oli todella vahvasti renessanssiaikainen, ja säilyneitä rakenteita ja koristuksia ajalta oli esillä runsain määrin. Ehkä herkullisimpana näistä Juhana III:n aikainen ennallistettu pitopöytä, joka oli asetettu niin kuin se oli tietyn tunnetun illallisen istumajärjestyksen osalta ollut. Toisaalla oli esillä Juhana III:n säilynyt illalllisen ruokalista. Mielenkiintoista kyllä, tarjoilujen osalta illallisella oli hyvinkin pitkälti noudattettu edelleen keskiaikaisen paaston sääntöjä (vähän soveltaen kyllä), eli tarjolla ei ollut punaista lihaa tai lintuja. Vaatimattomuus oli ruokalistasta kovin kaukana siltikin!
All in all, the general appearance of the Kalmar castle was heavily leaning on the renaissance period, decorative details were all over the castle. And not just structural details, among one of the most interesting things exhibited was a reconstructed feast table laid out according to a preserved seating order. Elsewhere in the castle there was exhibited a surviving menu from the king John III's era. Interesting enough, when it comes to the menu a catholic medieval habit of fasting was still employed (more or less), ie. there was no red meat or birds on the menu. By no means can one call the menu modest, though...
All in all, the general appearance of the Kalmar castle was heavily leaning on the renaissance period, decorative details were all over the castle. And not just structural details, among one of the most interesting things exhibited was a reconstructed feast table laid out according to a preserved seating order. Elsewhere in the castle there was exhibited a surviving menu from the king John III's era. Interesting enough, when it comes to the menu a catholic medieval habit of fasting was still employed (more or less), ie. there was no red meat or birds on the menu. By no means can one call the menu modest, though...
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
Linnan Juhana III:n aikainen kirkko, jossa hyvin oli esillä katolilaisen kuningatar Katariina Jagellonican vaikutus. Opas kehui yhdeksi Ruotsin suosituimmista vihkikirkoista.
The castle church dating to the era of king John III. Influence by John's polish catholic queen Catherine Jagiellon was well visible. Our guide mentioned that this is one of the most popular wedding churches in Sweden...
Renessanssilinnasta ei ollut puuttunut koristeita! Koristuksia oli sekä maalauksina, puu-upotuksina, seinävaatteina että kattopaneeleina. Näihin huoneisiin kun olisi saanut vielä huonekalut, niin a vot, mutta tässä linnassa oltiin selvästi aikoinaan panostettu ulkonäköön, vaikutuksen tekeminen on ollut agendana.
Renaissance castle was not lacking in decoration! All kinds of embellishments, in painting, wood intarsia, wallhangings and roof panels. If there only had been the furniture too it would've been perfect -but none the less, the castle was definitely there to impress anyone dropping by.
Renaissance castle was not lacking in decoration! All kinds of embellishments, in painting, wood intarsia, wallhangings and roof panels. If there only had been the furniture too it would've been perfect -but none the less, the castle was definitely there to impress anyone dropping by.
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