Öölannin-reissuun mahtui myös linnoja, ja niistä ensimmäinen oli Borgholm. Mitä suurimmassa määrin valokuvauksellinen paikka! Hyvin aukealla paikalla rannassa sijaitseva linna erottuu maisemasta jo pitkän matkan päästä ja on komeasti valaistu yöaikaankin. Ihan aiheesta Borgholmaa on sanottu Skandinavian kauneimmiksi linnanraunioiksi.
When history geeks are travelling, castles are a must -and some were naturally featured in our trip to Öland! First one of the castles we visited was Borgholm, and indeed it is a very picturesque place, it has even been called the most beautiful castle ruin in the whole Scandinavia. Sitting very close to the shoreline in a very open landscape, it's visible from quite far and to add to the visibility, it has even nighttime spotlights.
Linnan rakennushistoriaa ~~~ Construction history of the castle
linna rakennettiin 1100-luvulla (tosin on myös jossain epäilty olisiko paikalla
ollut sitä ennen rautakautinen kehälinnoitus, mutta siitä ei ole sen
enempää todisteita). Tällöinen linna koostui tornista ja kehämuurista.
1200-luvulla sitä laajennettiin, mutta kunnolla muutostyöt pääsivät
vauhtiin Juhana III:n aikana kun keskiaikainen linna muutettiin
1570-luvulla renessanssityyliseksi ja sen puolustusrakenteita vahvistettiin ja
modernisoitiin. Juhana piti kovin rakennuttamisesta, mutta kalliiksihan
se tuli, täälläkin. Linnan
nykyinen muoto on pitkälti seurausta 1600-luvun rakennuttamisjaksosta. Raunio
linnasta tuli vuonna 1806 jolloin se paloi, eikä sitä sen jälkeen korjattu.
Originally the castle was built in the 12th century, some have suggested that perhaps an iron age ringfort has been standing in the place before that but there is apparently no real proof. 12th century castle consisted of a tower and wall, but the castle was expanded in the 13th century. More building ans expanding came to turn in the 16th century during the reign of king John III when a medieval castle was transformed to renaissance style and fortifications were modernized in the 1570s. John III was very keen on building and designing, and the costs of the building process were quite something, in here too. The castle we see now is mostly result of the extensive building works in the 17th century. The castle fell into a ruin after a fire in 1806, and it was not repaired after that.
Borgholman linna oli hienosti ylläpidetty ja tämän(kin) takia
pääsymaksullinen (vaikka pääsymaksu sinänsä oli hyvin kohtuullinen). Opastetulla kierroksella olisi saanut varmaan paikasta
enemmän irti, mutta hyvinkin paikka oli tutustuttavissa myös pääsylippuun kuuluvan läpyskän kanssa. Puhelimeen olisi saanut ladattua appin josta olisi saanut jonkinlaista audio-opastusta mutta appia ei saatu toimimaan vaikka useamman hengen voimin ährättiin.
Linnan alue toimii muunakin kuin museona, siellä järjestetään vuosittain musiikkifestivaalitkin. Ja onhan paikka aivan oivallinen siihenkin :) Vierailijoita varten paikalle oli myös varattu grillipaikka ja eväidensyöntipiste, josta oli valtavan nätit näkymät merelle päin.
The overall impression of Borgholm castle was neatly maintained, and I sort of could expect that, with the entrance fee and all (although I think the fee was very reasonable). I suspect one could've learned more, should we have attended a guided tour, but we could familiarize ourselves witht the place well enough with the paper brochure handed to us along with the admission ticket. There was a note concerning a smartphone app that could've been downloaded and apparently that would've worked as an audioguide, but even though there were several quite tech-savvy people trying to get it to work, we never managed to do that.
The castle area has other functions besides museum, there are apparently concerts and a yearly music festival too. And I can imagine that the place is good for that too :) For visitors there was a open fire grill and a place for enjoying some snack, with a wonderful view to the sea.
The overall impression of Borgholm castle was neatly maintained, and I sort of could expect that, with the entrance fee and all (although I think the fee was very reasonable). I suspect one could've learned more, should we have attended a guided tour, but we could familiarize ourselves witht the place well enough with the paper brochure handed to us along with the admission ticket. There was a note concerning a smartphone app that could've been downloaded and apparently that would've worked as an audioguide, but even though there were several quite tech-savvy people trying to get it to work, we never managed to do that.
The castle area has other functions besides museum, there are apparently concerts and a yearly music festival too. And I can imagine that the place is good for that too :) For visitors there was a open fire grill and a place for enjoying some snack, with a wonderful view to the sea.
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Linnan vanhimpia rakennusjäänteitä, uuni 1300-luvulta ~~~ Parts of the oldest remains, an oven from the 14th century |
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Näkymät merelle ~~~ Sea view |
Varsinaisia näyttelytiloja ei sinäsä ollut kovin paljoa, kivirakenteita, koristeita ja -yksityiskohtia oli näytteillä yhdessä huonetilassa, linnan rakennushistoriaa toisessa ja toisella puolella pihaa esiteltiin vanhoja 1800-1900-luvun vaihteen valokuvia linnasta kun sen arvoon alettiin havahtua ja restauroida museokäyttöön. Myös vähän nykytaidetta oltiin siroteltu joihinkin linnan paikkoihin, äkkiseltään outo yhdistelmä mutta ihan hyvin sopivat patsasvalinnat kuitenkin.
Borgholm castle also featured some exhibition rooms, one concerning the surviving masonry details from the castle, another room showed the building history of the castle and on a third exhibition rooms therer was a photographic exhibition of late 19th-early 20th century photos of the castle when they started to transform the ruins into a museum and restoration works begun. Also a surprising combination, there were some modern art sculptures scattered around the castle, but I think they were chosen with good taste and they did complete one another.
Borgholm castle webpage
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