Viikinkimuseolta ei ollut pitkä matka kaupungin vanhaan keskustaan, vain muutama kortteli ja sehän oli mukava käveltävä. Suuntana oli kaupungin tuomiokirkko, ja ajatuksena muutenkin katsella kaupungin maisemia.
Tuomiokirkon rakennustyöt alkoivat 1100-luvun loppupuolella, ja valmistuminen koitti 1200-luvun puolivälissä. Kuten kirkoissa yleensä, tässäkin rakentaminen ei ollut kerralla valmis vaan tiilinen torni lisättiin 1330-luvulla (aiempi torni oli ottanut ja romahtanut 1280-luvulla). Tiiliseen torniin pääsi kiipeämäänkin, ja näköalat kaupungin yli olivat melkoiset! Vanhan keskustan rakennuskanta on semminkin matalaa, että kirkko nousee kattojen yläpuolelle ja on vanhassa keskustassa ehdottomasti se rakennus mihin huomio kiinnittyy- niin kuin sen voisi ajatella alunperinkin tarkoitetun olevan.
The Ribe viking museum was quite close to the old center of the town, only a few blocks away so that was a nice walk. The aim was to check out the Ribe cathedral and to have a look around the pretty town as well.
The construction of the cathedral was started in the late 12th century, and the building phase was ready in the mid-13th century. As is common with churches, in here too the church wasn't all ready in one go, but additions were made and a brick tower was added in the 1330s -previous tower had collapsed in the 1280s. The brick tower was accessible for the public too, and from there the scenery was quite something! Other buildings in the old town center are so low that the cathedral still towers over them even now, as it probably was originally meant to do.
Tuomiokirkon sisätilat olivat jotenkin yllättävän vähän koristeltuja, muutamia yksittäisiä maalauksia oli sekä myös tiiliruoteiden korostamista raidoituksella mutta kokonaisuus oli vallan vaalea. Tiedä sitten onko tilanne ollut tämä alunperinkin? Keskiaikaisia koristuksia muutenkin oli varsin vähän, 1500-luvulta lähtien sitten paljon enemmän. Vaikka kokonaisuus oli kyllä varsin viehättävä, romaaninen rakennustyyli kun on sitä lajia herkkua jota ei Suomessa pääse näkemään.
The insides of the cathedral were somehow surprisingly undecorated when it comes to paint, only a few paintings on the walls and striped brick rib vaults but otherwise quite light in colour. I wonder whether that originally been the situation? There were very few surviving medieval items and objects anyway, from the early 16th century there were significantly more. But all in all the insides were quite attractive, I really like the romanesque building style -it's something one doesn't see in Finland at all.
The insides of the cathedral were somehow surprisingly undecorated when it comes to paint, only a few paintings on the walls and striped brick rib vaults but otherwise quite light in colour. I wonder whether that originally been the situation? There were very few surviving medieval items and objects anyway, from the early 16th century there were significantly more. But all in all the insides were quite attractive, I really like the romanesque building style -it's something one doesn't see in Finland at all.
1500-luvun alun koristekaiverrettu ovi ~~~ Carved door, early 16th century |
Pyhän Yrjänän patsas lohikäärmeineen ja prinsessoineen, n. 1475 ~~~ St. George, the dragon and the princess, c. 1475 |
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
1500-luvun alun penkit ~~~early 16th century seats |
And then we started climbing to the tower! Narrow stairs seemed to go on forever, and as we climbed, we also walked past the tower clock's mechanism and saw the 15th century church bell in close distance. It is still in use, and pretty much scared me out of my wits as it rang when we were right by it!
Pyhän Katariinan kirkko ja luostari kirkontorninsta nähtyinä, rakennukset 1400-luvulta ~~~~ St. Catherine's church and monastery, buildings from the 15th century |
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1400-luvun kirkonkello ~~~ 15th century bell. Kuva/photo M. Pulla. |
Kirkkoon kuului myös pieni toisen kerroksen museo,joka esitteli kirkollista elämää ja katedraalin rakennusvaiheita keskiajalla ja sen jälkeen. Yllättävän laaja näyttely ollakseen noin pienessä tilassa, museo kun kattoi ainoastaan toisen lehterin.
As a part of the cathedral. there was a small museum about the building phases of the cathedral and religious life in Ribe in the middle ages and after that. Surprisingly large exhibition if one considers that the museum only covered the other balcony.
As a part of the cathedral. there was a small museum about the building phases of the cathedral and religious life in Ribe in the middle ages and after that. Surprisingly large exhibition if one considers that the museum only covered the other balcony.
Kirkkomuseon yleisnäkymiä ~~~ The cathedral museum |
Ribestäkin oli pyhiinvaellettu ~~~ There had been pilgrims in Ribe too |
That was pretty much it for the cathedral, and we still had time to check out the town. And was that indeed something to see! As one strolled around, it was obvious that it is an old town (as mentioned in the previous post, the oldest one in Denmark) -I somehow thought of Visby when walking around, but the difference is that Ribe is situated in flat land. The buildings are immensely cute <3
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Uusi oli upotettu vanhan sekaan varsin sujuvast. ~~~ New blends in with the old quite fluently. Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
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Kuva/Photo M. Pulla |
Ilahduttavasti satuttiin täysin vahingossa kulkemaan ohi kun kaupungissa tehtiin arkeologisia kaivauksia. Ohikulkuvaiheessa kuopassa ei näkynyt elämää, taisi olla työntekijöillä päivä paketissa jo (johan kello olikin lähempänä iltaa tässä vaiheessa). Myöhemmin selvisi, että tämän alueen kaivauksista tiedotetaan FB-sivulla Northern Emporium. Tulokset näyttävät jo nyt valtavan hienoilta!
By accident we stumbled across archaeological excavations. At that point there were no archaeologists around anymore so we could've asked some questions -after all, it was almost evening at that point. Later, though, we found that the excavations have a Facebook-page of its own, the project is called the Northern Emporium. The results look splendid even now!
Ribestä matka jatkui kohti Odensea, sieltä seuraavassa postauksessa!
From Ribe we headed off to Odense, that's for the next post!
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