Takaisinpäin Tanskasta lähtiessä ensimmäinen kohde oli Helsingørin eli Kronborgin linna. Linna on Unesco-kohde. Sen ensimmäiset vaiheet osuvat jo 1400-luvun alulle, mutta linna uudelleenrakennettiin 1500-luvulla ja vielä uudelleen tulipalon jälkeen 1600-luvun alussa. Tulipalon jälkeen linnaa ei kuulemma korjattu aivan entiseen loistoonsa, tämä pistää mietityttämään millainen se olikaan ennen ollut koska onhan edelleen kyse ihan tosissaan vaikuttavasta rakennuksesta! Linna menetti kuninkaallisen statuksensa 1785 jonka jälkeen se toimi Tanskan armeijan käytössä. 1923 armeija jätti linnan, tämän jälkeen siellä alkoi kunnostustyö ja se avattiin museona.
On our way back from Denmark, our first destination was Kronborg castle in Helsingør. The castle is an Unesco world heritage site. The castle was first built in the early 15th century, but it was substantially rebuilt in the 16th century and again after a fire destroyed most of the castle in the first half of the 17th century. It was said that the castle was not repaired to match its full former glory, si I do wonder how splendid it must've been before because even now it was truly impressive. The castle lost its status as a royal catle in 1785 and after that it functioned as army barracs for Danish army. Army left the castle in 1923, after that the castle opened as a museum.
Tämähän oli juurikin se paikka jonne Shakespeare sijoitti Hamletin, ja täällä otetaan siitä todellakin kaikki irti. Osuimme paikalle (täysin vahingossa) ihan oikeaan aikaan ja pääsimme seuraamaan Hamletia livenä, huoneesta toiseen etenevänä näytöksenä. Näytöksiä järjestetään ilmeisesti varsin säännöllisesti, mutta kannattaahan se toki tarkistaa ennakkoon milloin paikalle on syytä tulla jos Tanskan prinssi kiinnostaa. Muutenkin paikalla näemmä järjestetään Hamlet-teemaisia kierroksia.
And this is the very place where, according to Shakespeare, Hamlet took place. And in Kronborg they really take the most out of it! We happened to stop by (completely by accident) when they performed Hamlet live in the castle, following the actors from room to room. They perform Hamlet there apparently quite regularily, but of course if you're into the Prince of Denmark it is worth checking out the performance dates and times in advance. Also guided tours with Hamlet theme take place in Kronborg.
And this is the very place where, according to Shakespeare, Hamlet took place. And in Kronborg they really take the most out of it! We happened to stop by (completely by accident) when they performed Hamlet live in the castle, following the actors from room to room. They perform Hamlet there apparently quite regularily, but of course if you're into the Prince of Denmark it is worth checking out the performance dates and times in advance. Also guided tours with Hamlet theme take place in Kronborg.
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Linnalla on strateginen sijainti Ruotsin ja Tanskan välisen salmen kapeimmassa kohdassa, ja tätä kautta hoidettiin myös aikoinaan salmen läpi kulkevan liikenteen verotusta. Salmen yli oli tosiaan mainiot näkymät, tuosta ei soutuvenekään menisi ohi huomaamatta!
Kronborg castle has an excellent strategic location in the narrowest part of the strait between Denmark and Sweden. Therefore ships passing through the strait were taxed in Kronborg. And it must be said that the wiev across the strait was excellent, not even a rowing boat could pass without noticing!
Kronborg castle has an excellent strategic location in the narrowest part of the strait between Denmark and Sweden. Therefore ships passing through the strait were taxed in Kronborg. And it must be said that the wiev across the strait was excellent, not even a rowing boat could pass without noticing!
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Vastarannalla Helsingborg. Laivalla välin kulkeminen otti 20 minuuttia. ~~~~ Helsingborg on the other side. Boat trip took some 20 minutes. |
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Näkymä Helsingørin kaupungin suuntaan ~~~ View to Helsingør town direction. |
Linnan keittiö -yksi neljästä- näytti siltä, että siitä vain olisi voinut ottaa korista kaalin ja alkaa pilkkomaan. Tämä nimenomainen keittiö tunnetaan kuninkaan keittiönä. Tuollaiseen jos joskus pääsisi kokkihommiin!
Castle kitchen -one of the four- looked as if one could just grab a cabbage from the basket and start chopping it. This kitchen in question was known as the king's kitchen. Oh, to have a chance to cook in a place like that!
Castle kitchen -one of the four- looked as if one could just grab a cabbage from the basket and start chopping it. This kitchen in question was known as the king's kitchen. Oh, to have a chance to cook in a place like that!
Linnan kirkko oli ainoa osa Kronborgin linnasta joka ei kärsinyt 1600-luvun alun tulipalossa eikä sitä myöhemminkään juuri muodistettu ja lopulta korjattiinkin vanhaa inventaariolistaa hyödyntäen (ja myös alkuperäisillä huonekaluilla jotka oli vain siirretty pois, ei hävitetty). Näin se edustaa siis luultavasti parhaimmin linnan renessanssiaikaa. Ja sitä koristetta sitten onkin, puuleikkauksia ja kattopaneelia, niin paljon yksityiskohtia että niitä ei luultavasti kertakäynnillä edes havainnut.
The castle church was the only part of the castle that was left undamaged by the fire in the early 17th century. It was not significantly modified even after that, and eventually it was repaired using an old inventory list as an aid (and also using original furniture, they were not discarded, just stored away). Therefore it is the best example of the renaissance castle interior. And there indeed are decorations, wood cuttings and roof panels, so much detail that I suppose I just missed most of them in this first visit of ours.
Linnan pohjoissiipi oli sisustettu kuninkaallisten huoneistoiksi -pohjoissiipi toimi nimen omaan asuinhuoneistoina kuninkaalliselle perheelle. Nämä huonekalut tosin eivät ilmeisesti ole linnan alkuperäisiä, mutta ajanjakson huonekaluja kuitenkin.
The northern wing of the castle was furnished as the royal apartments -northern wing functioned spescifically as living quarters. The furniture exhibited is apperently not originally from the castle, but furniture of the era none the less.
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
Seinävaatekokoelma on vaikuttava. Alun perin 1580-luvulla kudotuissa Kronborgin seinävaatteiden sarjassa oli kuvattuina kaikki Tanskan hallitsijat siihen asti, kaikkineen 43 seinävaatetta. Tähän päivään asti niistä on selvinnyt 15 kappaletta joista seitsemän on Kronborgissa, loput kahdeksan Tanskan kansallismuseossa. Toki hyvinkin aikansa tuotteita nämä, 1500-luvun lopun taiteilijan näkemys 1000-luvun kuninkaasta oli varsin hilpeä :)
The collection of wall hangings was noteworthy. Originally woven in the 1580s, the Kronborg wallhangings depicted every Danish ruling king (or queen) until that moment, 43 wallhangings altogether. 15 of them survive to this day, seven of them are in Kronborg (other eight are situated in the Danish National museum). They of course are very much product of their own time, the image of how a 11th century king looked through a 16th century artist's eyes was kinda cute :)
The collection of wall hangings was noteworthy. Originally woven in the 1580s, the Kronborg wallhangings depicted every Danish ruling king (or queen) until that moment, 43 wallhangings altogether. 15 of them survive to this day, seven of them are in Kronborg (other eight are situated in the Danish National museum). They of course are very much product of their own time, the image of how a 11th century king looked through a 16th century artist's eyes was kinda cute :)
Hoviloiston ja tekstiiliwaun lisäksi tarjolla oli ahdasta, pimeää ja märkää. Toisin sanoen 1500-luvulla rakennetut linnan kasematit, maanalainen puolustusrakenne joka luikertaa linnan bastionien alla. Ja tämäkin rakenne muuten esiintyy Hamletissa... Kasematit toimivat levottomuuksien aikana sotilaiden suojana, tilaa oli myös hevosille ja muille eläimille, ja ennen kaikkea elintarvikkeille.
In addition to courtly splendour and fancy textiles there was dark, narrow and damp. In other words, the underground defence structures, the casemates that are located under the bastions. This structure too is, by the way, featured in Hamlet... The casemates provided shelter for soldiers in times of unrest, there was space also for horses and other animals, and of course for food supplies.
In addition to courtly splendour and fancy textiles there was dark, narrow and damp. In other words, the underground defence structures, the casemates that are located under the bastions. This structure too is, by the way, featured in Hamlet... The casemates provided shelter for soldiers in times of unrest, there was space also for horses and other animals, and of course for food supplies.
Helsingørin kaupunki oli muutenkin kovin sympaattisen oloinen, paikalla olisi ollut myös keskiaikainen luostari ja kirkko mutta kiinnihän ne olivat. Nätti kaupunki kuitenkin.
In addition to Kronborg castle, Helsingør town looked sympathetic. There would've been a medieval monastery and a medieval church, but they were both closed. A pretty town anyway.
In addition to Kronborg castle, Helsingør town looked sympathetic. There would've been a medieval monastery and a medieval church, but they were both closed. A pretty town anyway.
Kronborgin linnan Unesco-sivut ~~~Kronborg castle in Unesco
Linnan omat sivut ~~~ Kronborg castle's own site
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Kronborg kartalla ~~~Kronborg on map |
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