Ensimmäinen Berliinin-kohde oli museosaaren tuomiokirkko. Huolimatta kovasti historiallisesta ulkonäöstään Berliinin tuomiokirkko on vasta hiukan toistasataa vuotta vanha, rakennettu 1800-1900-vaihteen kumminkin puolin valmistuen 1905. Samalla paikalla tosin on erinäisiäkin kirkkoja ollut jo keskiajalta lähtien, mutta tämä uusin tarvittiin siksi että vanha ei keisarin mielestä ollut tarpeeksi komea pääkaupungin pääkirkoksi.
Kirkko otti pahasti vauriota toisessa maailmansodassa, ja sen korjaamisen aloittaminen viivästyi niin että valmista korjaustyöstä tuli vasta 1990-luvun alussa -siinä välissä ehdittiin jo miettiä mitä rakennukselle ylipäätään tehtäisiin, olisiko se syytä purkaa kokonaan. Korjattavaa rakennuksessa riittää, työt olivat käynnissä vierailuhetkelläkin.
Our first target in Berlin was the museum island and the cathedral. Although Berlin cathedral has a very historical look to it, it is only a little more than a hundred years old, built in the turn of 19th-20th century and finished in 1905. Churches - several of them- have been standing in the very same location since the medieval period, but this new one was definitely needed (acoording to the emperor) because the previous one was not large and fancy enough for the capital's main church.
The church was bady damaged in the second world war, and the restoration works were delayed so much that they were finished eventually only in the 1990s -before that there was a great debate on what to do with the damaged building, should it be pulled down completely. And the restoration works still continue, some repairs were still going on during our visit.
Our first target in Berlin was the museum island and the cathedral. Although Berlin cathedral has a very historical look to it, it is only a little more than a hundred years old, built in the turn of 19th-20th century and finished in 1905. Churches - several of them- have been standing in the very same location since the medieval period, but this new one was definitely needed (acoording to the emperor) because the previous one was not large and fancy enough for the capital's main church.
The church was bady damaged in the second world war, and the restoration works were delayed so much that they were finished eventually only in the 1990s -before that there was a great debate on what to do with the damaged building, should it be pulled down completely. And the restoration works still continue, some repairs were still going on during our visit.
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
Koska komeaa oli lähdetty tekemään niin komeaa tuli -koristeita ei kirkosta ainakaan puuttunut. Inspiraatiota oli ilmeisesti haettu barokista ja sen lisäksi ehkä antiikistakin?
And because fancy was needed, so fancy was built -there is no lack of decoration in the church, to say the least! It looks as if the architect was inspired by baroque and antique styles?
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
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Kuva/photo M. Pulla |
Ylätasanteella oli pieni kirkon historian museo. Melko paljon siellä keskityttiin siihen, miten tämä nykymuotoinen tuomiokirkko rakennettiin ja mitä muita suunnitelmia kirkon ulkomuodoksi oli -varsin mahtipontisia kun olivat muutkin suunnitelmat.
On the second floor there was a small museum concerning the history of the church. It focused largely on how this current church was built and what other plans were made by architects -the other plans were quite pompous too!
On the second floor there was a small museum concerning the history of the church. It focused largely on how this current church was built and what other plans were made by architects -the other plans were quite pompous too!
Kovan kipuamisen jälkeen pääsi myös näköalatasanteelle katon reunamille! Sieltä oli varsin messevät näkymät yli Berliinin, moneen suuntaan. Ilahduttavasti tuli huomattua, että siellä pidetään myös mehiläispesiä!
After climbing a lot of stairs, one could step on a vantage point, almost on the rooftop! Quite splendid scenery over Berlin, and I was super delighted to spot that they also had some beehives on the roof.
Katon reunalta kipitettiin portaita alas niin alas kuin tässä rakennuksessa pääsee, Hohenzollern-kryptaan. Kryptassa viettivät lepoaan hallitsijat perheineen. Hautoja kryptassa oli vuodelta 1499 alkaen, viimeinen vainaja oli haudattu tänne 1915. Ettei vierailu kryptassa olisi jäänyt vain hautamuistomerkkien ihmettelyksi, multimediaa oli otettu mukaan ja sitä kautta mm. nostettu esille Saksan historiasta tiettyjä tänne haudattuja yksilöitä ja kuninkaallisia hautaustapoja. Kryptakin vaurioitui jonkin verran toisessa maailmansodassa kirkon pommituksissa, ja hautamuistomerkkejä ja arkkuja kunnostetaan osin edelleen.
From the rooftop to the basement, our next target was as down as one could decend in this building -the Hohenzollern-crypt. In the crypt several rulers with their families had been laid to rest. First deceased had died in 1499 and the last burial in the crypt had been made in 1915. Some modern technology was added to make the visit something more than eyeing on coffins and monuments -multimedia presentations introduced the visitors for example to some individuals that had been buried in here and royal burial customs. Also the crypt had been damaged in second world war bombings, and some grave monuments are still being repaired.
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